The Butterfly Effect Read online

Page 6

  “Sore?” he asks.

  “No. It was the best first time a girl could ask for. I appreciate you taking your time.”

  He bends forward and kisses my forehead.

  Once he’s done washing me, I do the same to him, running the soapy sponge over his muscled body. I take my time teasing him, slowly moving over his body, and he grins at me.

  “I don’t know what this is you are doing to me, Riley, but you’re making me feel more alive than I’ve felt in years. Before you, I was only existing, a bane existence.”

  I smile at him. “I’m glad I can be of service, Professor.”

  He cringes when I call him professor.

  “You make me sound old.” He chuckles. “Yet, I’m only seven years older than you. At least in human years.”

  “I think it’s a happy medium.”

  We step out of the shower, Nathan hands me a plush towel and I dry myself off, wrapping it around my body.

  “Come on, I’ll get you some clothes.”

  We pad back to his bedroom where some of the candles are still flickering a soft glow around the room. Nathan digs into his drawers and passes me a pair of black boxers and a red, V-neck T-shirt, and I swiftly put them on. On second thought, I shove the pajamas aside, onto the chair.

  “Now, let’s get to bed, so you can get your beauty rest.” He grins.

  When he smiles, it’s infectious and I can’t help but smile back.

  “Yeah, you’ll need your energy,” I tell him.



  I pull off all the rose petals from the bed, and blow out the last of the candles. Now only the moonlight shines through the room. I flip the sheets back and Riley slides in bed naked and puts her head on my shoulder. I caress her arm that’s in the crook of our bodies. I can feel her falling asleep as her breathing slows to a steady pace. I stroke her hair with my arm that’s wrapped around her and I hear her labored breathing. I take a moment a savor it, her in my arms, where she belongs.

  Just the feeling of being with her and around her consumes me. I wish she could stay in my bed forever, by my side forever. I know we’ll face obstacles, but it’s worth it, she’s worth it. She belongs to me now. The fact that she already has me, I feel like I can take on the world.

  Suddenly my eyes flutter.


  The morning breaks through the curtains, and I blink a few times, trying to listen to the sound I hear outside my closed door, and I realize its Felix the cat scratching to get in. Gently, I lift Riley’s arm off my chest and slowly step off the bed. Opening the door, Felix makes a beeline for the bed, rubbing his nose on Riley’s. She scrunches her nose, opens her eyes, and smiles at him. He rubs his head on hers and she pets him.

  I slowly walk toward the bed and sit on the side to face her. “Good morning, beautiful.”

  “Good morning, lover,” she says, smiling.

  “Lover, huh?” I say.

  “You are. Now get over here and kiss me.”

  I couldn’t possibly say no. I lean forward and kiss her on her full lips. Walking to her side of the bed, I take her arms and pull her up. Her hair is in complete disarray and completely sexy. I smile “Do you wake up this gorgeous every morning?”

  “Duh,” she says, teasing.

  “Up you go.” I pull her naked body up, and her arms wrap around my neck.

  She stands. “What makes you think I want to leave this bed?”

  “Because I’m making you breakfast.”

  “Well, why didn’t you say so?”

  She moves to the chair where the night clothes I gave her are. She picks them up.

  “You don’t need those,” I say with a smirk.

  She gives me a look, like are you kidding me.

  “How about we compromise and I put the shirt on?”

  “Boxers only,” I tell her.

  She looks at me, smirks, and pulls on the boxers.

  “Perfect.” She follows me downstairs, and Felix is right behind her. Entering the kitchen, I point to the chair, instructing her to sit. She obeys and sits at the breakfast nook. Opening the cabinet, I take two glasses and pour some orange juice in each, handing her one. I sip on mine while I get the bacon cooking. Felix rests at Riley’s feet.

  “I think Felix loves me.” she smiles.

  Then we hear a meow from under the table and we both laugh. “I guess he does. Are you sore from last night?”


  She stands and walks toward me. I feel her arms wrap around my waist as she presses her face on my back. She showers it with soft and slow kisses. As her hands slide down.

  “Don’t start anything you can’t finish.”

  “Oh, I plan on finishing,” she says seductively, then kisses my neck.

  “You are so going to pay for this torment after breakfast.”

  “Promises, promises Professor,” she says, sitting back down.

  I continue to make breakfast, even though I’m rock hard. She’s definitely going to get it, on every surface in this place. I place a plate in front of her and sit on the opposite side of her.

  “Mmm, you make breakfast and dinners. I just might keep you around,” she says nonchalantly.

  “You sure are talking a big game today, baby girl,” I tell her. “I hope you aren’t really sore, because I’m going to have you on every surface in this house.”

  She stops mid-chew and then continues chewing her food. We both eat our food in a hurry. I grab the plates and throw them in the sink. Then I move toward her, her eyes on me, and I pull her up from the chair. She stands facing me and I reach inside her boxers, stroking her clit.

  “Oh, so you’re so wet, Riley. Mmmm.”

  She leans her head back as I stroke her and bites down on her lip. Slowly, I work the boxers down to the floor. “Well, I guess we’ll start with the table.” I lean forward, causing her to lean back, and I suck on her perking nipples. I nibble on each one, lightly biting down on them. I can feel her breathing becoming fast. She flattens her back on the table, her legs hanging off.

  “Nathan. I. Need. You. Now,” she says in between kisses.

  “I know you do. And I plan on torturing you a little longer.”

  I slide a finger inside her and she whimpers. “Lie very still,” I tell her, before leaving her there. I take my time, and when I come back she is still lying in the same position. I pull her arms above her head, and hold her arms in place while I thrust myself inside her. Her breathing hitches as I rock back and forth inside her. She moans aloud as I reach down to stroke her clit, and she bucks against me. I bend down and kiss her beautiful mouth and nibble on her lower lip. She comes completely undone. Next thing I know, she pushes me up and hops off the table, and immediately gets on her knees. I stand as she looks up at me from her knees. Her doe eyes engulf me.

  “Jesus, Riley!”

  I shout, wrapping my hand in her long thick hair. She starts slowly, licking the tip, working her mouth around me a little at a time until I’m all the way in her mouth. She looks sexy as fuck. She bobs her head up and down, back and forth, and twists her hand around my cock as she does so. I’m about to come undone and she presses forward, continuing to suck and bob her head. I try to pull out before coming but she latches on like a force and I come.

  She leans back and takes a finger to wipe her lips. “Did you just swallow that?”

  She nods and smirks.

  “You could have spit it out, I wouldn’t have been offended.”

  She stands up. “I wanted to,” she says.

  “Well, one surface down, a lot more to go. I was not kidding about having you on every surface of this place. And I plan on doing just that all day long.”

  “God, you are horny. I don’t mind. I think I’ll enjoy it, every single second.”

  “In that case, where should we start next?”

  She puts a finger to her chin and looks around. “The couch.”

  “The couch it is.”

  This time, I take m
y time, caressing her body. Kissing every inch, I can feel her yearning for me. I don’t think all the sex in the world would be enough to make me completely satisfied; she makes me insatiable.

  “You’re definitely going to be sore tomorrow, that I can promise you.”

  “It’ll be worth it, though.”

  Felix pads into the living room and lies down by the couch but not looking at us. He meows a few times and then falls asleep. Riley and I are quiet while I take my time with her. Eventually, she’s had enough and straddles me, reminding me of the last time she was on top of me. I can already feel myself getting hard again, and I lightly stroke her breasts. She leans her head back and moans.

  “I hope winter break never ends.”

  Chapter Eight


  Nathan traces my butterfly tattoo with his finger. “When’d you get this done?”

  “I got it a few years ago,” I say lazily while we lie in his bed.

  My body is sore from all the sex. He wasn’t lying about doing it on every surface. I’ll definitely have trouble walking tomorrow. I snuggle into the nook of his arm, as he wraps it around me. My head rests on his chest, as I lightly trace my fingers over his stomach and chest.

  “Just so you know, I don’t want you just for sex. Even though the last few days have been amazing, I enjoy talking to you and getting to know you.”

  I lean my head up to look at him. “I know. Same here. I know there are some things you don’t know about me, some things I can’t tell you. But one day, when I can, I’ll tell you more.”

  “I want to know everything about you. Everyone has some secrets in their closest. And I don’t expect you to tell me every single detail. At least not right now.”

  “Yeah. I feel the same way. I want to know everything, what you dislike, what you like, and what you’re passionate about. Right now, I just want to enjoy this moment.” I smile.

  Here I am with Nathan, in his bed, having a serious conversation, and talking to him almost feels too easy, like a dream almost. Something just clicks between us. It’s hard to explain. He may be older and a hell of a lot wiser, but still he captivates me at the most unexpected moments, and he has a little bit of a naughty side, which I like.

  Leaning my head on his shoulder, I stare at his bare chest, the quietness engulfing us while the moonlight shines in the room. “Are you real?” I whisper.

  “I’m real, baby,” he grabs my hand and kisses my fingers. “This is real.”


  The morning light breaks through the curtains, causing me to blink a few times. Looking to my left, that side of the bed is empty. Winter break is over and I’m not sure where the time went. All I know is that I have enjoyed all this time with Nathan, getting to know him and his little quirks. It’s hard to believe four weeks have passed by so quickly and Bea will be home any day now. Real life is about to get, well, real. And the next few weeks could really test Nathan and me. I stretch my stiff body, while Felix cuddles next to me.

  Even though I can’t tell anyone about us, I think we can get through it. We’ll have to meet secretly, and make sure no one notices. The past few weeks have been absolute bliss. Too bad I just couldn’t live in my Nathan bubble forever, without any repercussions. I’ll have to keep it a secret from my own best friend and that alone hurts my heart, but she’ll understand because she is just like me. I know she’ll be happy for me, and she’ll be shocked once I’m allowed to tell her. But four years of college is a long time. So we’ll see.

  Nathan appears in the doorway with a tray of food. I slowly drink him in, committing everything about him to memory, because this day won’t last forever.

  “Good morning. You looked deep in thought there,” he says, sliding in bed next to me, pulling the tray of food on his lap.

  “I was thinking about winter break being over and Bea being home soon, and how we’ll have to be more careful now.”

  “Yeah, I know. Did you really appear at my door three weeks ago?”

  “I did. I was scared to death, but I needed to know and see how you felt. Thank god you reciprocated.” I pop a piece of bacon in my mouth.

  “I wanted you from the moment I saw you. But being a professor, your professor, makes it more difficult. But I said fuck it and jumped in.” He smirks.

  “I’m so glad you jumped in.” I lean over to kiss him deeply and passionately. My heart feels like it’s about to burst because my feelings are becoming stronger with each passing day and I feel like I won’t be able to breathe without him consuming me. Even my butterfly tattoo is getting brighter and brighter the closer Nathan and I become. This is my destiny. He is my destiny.

  I push the tray away, setting it on the end table, and I straddle him. “I’m keeping this, just so you know,” I say of his t-shirt I’m wearing.

  “It looks better on you, anyway.” He grins. His hand grips the back of my neck, pulling me forward, his lips crash hard against mine.

  His hand grips the shirt and he flips it over my head, my hair becoming wild. Leaning down, I cup his face with both hands, kissing him feverishly. He cups my breasts with both hands and massages them, his thumb roaming over my hard nipples.

  I take his hands in mine, pulling my face away from his. “I know we have to keep on the down low, but do you think we can go out? Somewhere out of the area, somewhere where I can dance. I want to go dancing.”

  He stares into my eyes. “Dancing?”

  “Yes, I want to go dancing then come back here and make love before reality starts.”

  “If you want to go dancing, then we shall go dancing.”

  “Really? Wow, I’m so happy right now. I’m kind of getting cabin fever and feel the need to burn some energy.”


  “I’m usually not one for clubs, but I’m glad you’re taking me,” I say to Nathan as he pulls into the parking lot. We drove almost an hour out of town just so I could come here.

  We’ve gone out once or twice, but it’s been way out of town, so we don’t run into any one and it’s easier when most of the students are home for winter break. But going out any place is still risky no matter how far you go.

  Nathan and I have had long talks about our future and what could happen if we get caught. But he says it’s worth the risk, and he may be looking at other teaching positions so we can be together out in the open. It would make things easier.

  We stand in line for about ten minutes before the bouncer lets us in. The music is pounding, the walls vibrating, and my heart kicking up to match the beat. We find a private booth just for us, and he orders us drinks, and the waiter doesn’t even card me. Once the shots are placed in front of us, Nathan flashes me a wink and we do the shots. Grabbing his hand, I pull him onto the dance floor with me. The music is fast and we dance to the beat, and we both laugh, having fun. Turning my back toward his chest, I move my body against his, his hands skimming the sides of my body. He takes my hand and flings my body away and pulls me against him again. I throw my head back, giggling.

  Separating my body from his and facing him, I continue to dance to the beat of the music. No one else exists except for the music, him, and me. Surprisingly, Nathan can dance. The song changes, causing the tempo to change, but it’s still a fast beat song and I can feel my breathing becoming heavy, and my body sweaty.

  Before I know it, the place is closing and the time I spent dancing passed way too quickly. Nathan ushers me out into the cold brisk air and helps me into the car. “Thanks for taking me dancing.” I smile and wipe my hair away from my face.

  “Anytime. You looked sexy on the dance floor. Now we’re going home to finish what we started this morning.” He raises an eyebrow at me.

  I smile.

  The hour long drive home doesn’t take as long, since traffic is merely non-existent. The anticipation of Nathan ravishing me is all I can think about, his lips on mine and his hands all over my body. In this moment I feel powerful and feeling like continuing dancing, but maybe a different type.
Inside the house, he pulls me to him, my body flush against his and he kisses me. I give him that one little morsel before I pull away and lead him to the living room. I push him down on the couch, and find his stereo and turn it on, but not loud. His eyes remain locked on me as I change the music.

  The Jennifer Lopez song is the perfect mixture of what I need to convey to him. I remain standing, positioning myself in front of him. And I start to sway my hips, whip my hair to the side. I dance to the beat of Never Satisfied, my movements calculated to the beat. I roam my hands over my body, and my hands reach the button of my tight jeans as I slowly move them downward, kicking them to the side. I turn so my back is to him and I move my ass, doing a wave motion with my body.

  Thankfully, I have a background in dancing; it paid off after all, even though this is nothing close to what I’m used to doing. But my body moves fluidly.

  I turn to face him and his eyes are hooded, filled with hunger and lust. My juices are flowing as I move my hips to one side than the other. Nathan moves forward, his hands griping my hips. His fingers graze my skin as he moves his hands upward. He grips my shirt and stands, flinging it off over my head. His eyes never leave mine, and I’ve never seen such hunger in someone. He presses his body firmly against me, one arm wrapped around my waist, and he dips me down one side, pulling me back up on the other side of him. The passion between us is undeniable. I’ve never experienced this before. So powerful. He nuzzles my neck while his hands grip mine, our bodies swaying together like we’re one.

  His lips move up to kiss mine as his hands unlatch from mine, and he places his palms on my cheeks. He takes his time savoring me as we stand. In one swift move, he carries me up the stairs, my arms around his neck. Thankfully we make it up to the room in one piece. I’ll admit, I’m no small girl. His arm muscles bulge. In the bedroom, he lays me down on the bed and he flings his clothes off and then unhooks my bra. Lying down, he takes his time from my mouth, to my neck, to my breasts, paying attention to both. My back arches as he moves down, placing light kisses down my stomach. He grips my panties on each side and pulls them down, leaving them wherever they end up.