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The Butterfly Effect Page 12

  Inside, we pick our colors while the techs work on us. We both relax in chairs next to each other.

  “So tell me about this place you and Nathan are going,” Bea says.

  “All I know is that it’s the most beautiful place on earth, according to Nathan. I guess it’s sacred from what he says.”

  “Are you excited to be attached to Nathan for all your lifetime, because it sounds like you’re getting married?”

  “Well, it is sort of a wedding, but not called that formally. Yes, I know this is what I want. We deserve it.”

  Bea leans her head back and flashes me a genuine smile. “I’m happy for you, and I know you are doing the right thing. He makes you happy and I can clearly see it on your face when you mention his name.”

  I smile back and nod.

  After our treatments we head home and I’m worn out from all the shopping. “Thanks for treating me to the spa; we need to do that more often. It felt nice and relaxing.”

  “And we have awesome fingernails and toenails,” she says happily.

  “Yes, we do. I’m going up to take a nap.”

  Chapter Eighteen


  The plans have been made to visit Westerville. Even on short notice, they seemed happy to schedule us so soon. As soon as tomorrow night, we will be on our way. Being with Riley is what is meant to be. I’ve waited for her all my life, and I’m glad she finally came around and let me in again.

  In no way shape or form am I taking this lightly. Forming our bond and putting that into place where no one can break it is a serious commitment. I know Riley is not afraid of that, and neither am I. She was meant for me and I was meant for her.

  It’s late in the evening and I decide to text her.

  I made the plans and if you are still in, we leave tomorrow evening.

  She replies. I can’t wait. I’ll be yours forever.

  And I will be yours forever.

  She texts back. I’m coming over. I need to see that handsome face.

  I smile at my phone and wait patiently for the knock on my door. When it finally comes, I straighten my shirt and run my hands through my hair and swing the door open with a smile. When I see who is standing on the other side of the threshold my smile turns and a shock of coldness surrounds me.

  “Mona, I don’t have time for your games today. I thought I made myself clear at our last confrontation,” I say sternly.

  In my peripheral vision, I see Riley slowly approaching, and then she sees who’s here.

  “Well, Nathan, I thought I made myself clear that you were to steer clear of my daughter. You won’t win this, so you might as well break this off immediately.”

  “Why? So you can watch her die and steal her powers?”

  Riley is taking everything we say in, and Mona hasn’t even flinched.

  “What I do is my business and you, my dear, have no say,” she says as a matter of fact.

  “What about me, Mother? Do I have a say?” Riley asks, meeting her mom at the door.

  Mona shifts uncomfortably.

  “Whatever you came to do is not going to happen.” Riley pokes her mom in the chest. I can see the rage filling Riley’s body, and it’s quite a sight. “If you think I’m just going to lie down and die, you have another thing coming. I know what you are now. And you have no morals or reason. I’m your daughter.” Riley’s rage surrounds us.

  Mona walks backward to try and escape, but I watch Riley pushing forth.

  Riley reaches for my hand, and grabs her mom’s hand with her other one. When Riley starts to chant, I chant with her. Mona tries to grab her hand free, but Riley is too strong for her. I know what she’s doing. I should stop her, but I can’t. This is Riley’s battle, whether I want to stop her or not.

  After Riley and I chant, silence envelopes us. Mona’s face is wrenched with pain and contortion. Riley lets go of my hand and Mona’s. Mona is frozen in place, unable to move, and I see Riley places her open hand over Mona’s heart.

  “You’re just a cold and heartless being with all this darkness inside you. Now I’m eradicating all the darkness in you, out,” Riley says.

  Mona’s body shakes violently as she stands. Once her body finishes convulsing, she looks at Riley with pitiful eyes, like she was in someone else’s body and had no idea what was happening.

  Riley grips both of Mona’s shoulders and looks into her eyes. “Go home, Mother. Dad needs you. And don’t come back.”

  With a dumbfounded look on her face, Mona turns and slowly walks away while she tries to figure out what happened. We watch her for a few moments as she walks down the street. I gently touch Riley’s arm.

  “Are you okay?”

  Riley crumbles in my arms, her body shakes as she cries. Pulling her tighter in my arms, I move inside my house, closing the door with my foot. Leading us to the living room, Riley grips my T-shirt so tight, like she fears I might let go of her. She can grip it as tight as she wants because I’m not letting her go. We sit on the couch and she tucks her head into my shoulder. Letting her have an emotional breakdown, I stroke her hair while trying to calm her.

  Leaning over to the end table, I grab a tissue and hand it to her. “Here.” I tilt her chin up. “Talk to me,” I beg with pleading eyes.

  “Doing that to my mom just about killed me, Nathan. But your strength helped me. Knowing you were by my side, I knew pulling the darkness out of her was the last option and she probably wouldn’t have let up unless I did that. Her eyes were so black and emotionless.”

  The tears continue to streak her cheeks. “Hey, you did what you had to do. You did the right thing. Because I’m afraid I would have done much worse if you hadn’t shown up. I’m sorry, Riley. God, you’ve been through so much, and it kills me to see you like this”

  “Do you think she’ll be better?”

  “I hope so. I really hope so, for your sake. You may have saved her life.”

  “I didn’t think of it like that. I just hope she goes home where she belongs.”

  Riley swipes the tears from her eyes. “I refuse to cry anymore. I’ve cried far too much, and I’m just done. Would you have really killed her?”

  “I would have if it meant protecting you. But it didn’t come to that.” I kiss her forehead. “I never want to see you cry unless they are happy tears. It hurts me to see you like that. I’m sure at some point I didn’t help matters, and I’ll spend forever making that up to you.”

  Riley leans her head up and kisses me, fiercely. My tongue ravages her mouth. Her hand slides under my shirt as she straddles my lap. God, I love this girl with everything I have. But I refuse to take advantage of her in this state.

  “Riley, as much as I’d love to take you right here, we should wait until tomorrow. You just went through something crazy.”

  “You’re right. I love you, Nathan, every single part of you and your rationality.” She smiles. “I can’t wait until tomorrow.” She lifts her body from mine and stands.

  “Don’t go.” I reach for her hand.

  “I have to. Thank you for being there for me and letting me handle my mom. Come by tomorrow evening to pick me up?”

  I stand, and she looks up at me with wanting eyes. My fingertips grace her hands. For a moment, I lose myself in her doe eyes. I smile. “I’ll be there.”

  I bend down to kiss her, and I feel the need within her. But I must give her space, to work out what happened tonight.

  Pulling away, I walk her to the door. “By the way I quit my job. I put apps in other schools.”

  “Nathan, that’s great. Are you sure that’s what you want?”

  “I want to be with you, Riley. That’s all that matters me.”

  The smile on her face is so huge, it causes me to grin.



  “Goodnight, Nathan.”

  “Goodnight, Riley.”

  With a slight wave, I mosey back home and up to my room. Bea must be in bed already, so I’m enveloped by my own silence.
I slouch down on my bed and look up to the ceiling fan spinning round and round. I hope I didn’t hurt my mom. Regardless of everything that she put me through over the last few weeks, she’s still my mom. I’ll forgive her, but I’ll never forget how her darkness took over and she made me fall for her tricks. What she did is unfathomable. I’m her daughter and all she wanted was my power, the magic I hold.

  Ever since coming back from Ace’s family cabin, my magic has been in control. She’s the reason it was out of whack. She’s the reason I doubted everything. Now I no longer will be held captive of how I should live my life. I’ll live it the way I want, the way that makes me happy, and no one will be standing in my way.

  Nathan was there to catch my fall after I pulled the darkness from my mom. He held me while I cried and felt sorry for myself. He stroked my hair to calm me, and it worked. Maybe he would have killed her; maybe it would have been better that way. But I think he knew I had to deal with her.

  Hopefully, my dad is glad to have her back. Hopefully, she didn’t taint that relationship. It will take me some time to come around to her again. Right now, I just want to relish in the bliss of Nathan and me.

  Before heading to bed, I decide to shower to let the hot water relax my tense muscles. Tomorrow will be a big day, almost like a wedding day, and those events are kind of a big deal, so I don’t expect tomorrow to be any different. I don’t know what to expect, but I do know it’ll be a big deal.

  After my shower, I pile my wet hair on top of my head in a messy bun and then get in bed.


  I think it’s the smell of bacon wafting up to my room and a smile creeps on my face. Sitting up, I wrap my robe over my body, tying it at my side, and saunter downstairs.

  “Something smells good down here,” I say while descending the stairs.

  “I figured I’d send you off with your belly full. You have a big day so you’ll need your energy. But that hair is an entirely different story,” she says, followed by a giggle.

  “My hair will be just fine once I pull the band out.”

  “You sit, I’ll serve.”

  I sit on the stool along the kitchen island. “Oh, I could get used to this.” I smile.

  Bea plants a plate full of bacon, eggs, and toast in front of me. I take my fork and dig in while she sits next to me with a plate for herself.

  “This is really good. Thanks, Bea.”

  “You’re welcome. What are friends for? So what happens after you come back from your trip?”

  “Well, I don’t know. I guess Nathan and I will be looking for another place since he won’t be teaching at the university anymore.”

  “Oh really. When did that happen?”

  “He told me last night, after my mom showed up.”

  “Wait, what? You’re going to have to back up a few steps.”

  I tell Bea what happened when I was going to see Nathan last night. Well, I gave her the short version.

  “She just turned around and left?”

  “Yep. It seemed like she was in some sort of daze or something. I don’t know how to explain it. But I looked right into her eyes and told her to go home. Then I crumbled into a big blubbering mess.”

  “I’m glad Nathan was there with you. Maybe she won’t be bothering you again. I know that must have been hard for you, though.”

  “It was. But today is a new day. A very big day,” I say happily.

  “Yes, it is. And I’m here to help and see Nathan’s jaw drop. He is picking you up here, right?”

  “Yes, he is.” I smile.

  “Good. The look on his face is going to be priceless. Just so you know, I will be there with you in spirit. I know it’s a sacred ceremony, and I know it will be absolutely lovely.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  The day passes ever so slowly that I think the evening will never come as the anticipation resides within me. Letting the feeling sink in, I take my time laying my clothes out, starting with some sexy panties and a matching bra, both white with lace. Before getting dressed, Bea insists on doing my hair.

  After taking it out of the messy bun, she gingerly brushes it, smoothing it down my back. With it still damp, she blows it dry and heats up the curling iron.

  “Are you nervous?” she asks.

  “I’m not nervous about bonding with Nathan. I guess I’m more nervous about the process. I don’t know what to expect or what exactly it entails.”

  “I’m sure you’ll be fine.” She smiles at me in the mirror. “Are you going to tell him about your tattoo?”

  “Yes, maybe not right away, but I will. We’ll see what happens.”

  “If he hurts you in any way like he did before, I swear to God I will make him ball-less.”

  I almost spit my coffee out at her comment. “Oh my god, don’t make me laugh.” I giggle.

  “He’s not going to hurt me. He knows how much pain he caused, and he promised he’d be making it up for the rest of his life. And Bea, there is something I need to tell you.”

  She whips her body around and comes to face me.

  “After our trip, I will be immortal. He is immortal, and his powers are beyond anything I can comprehend. So we will share our magic once we bond. This is what I want, Bea. I would do anything to be with him. I love him.”

  “Wow, Riley. That’s some serious shit. Are you sure?”

  “Absolutely. I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. You know he and I are meant to be. So this is my fate. I’m prepared for it. I want this,” I tell her with confidence.

  Bea gives me an understanding nod. She puts my hair in place, twisting into a fancy rope braid fringe hairstyle.

  “Thanks, Bea, it’s beautiful,” I say while looking at my hair.

  “You’re welcome,” she says with excitement.

  “Can you grab my suitcase from under my bed? I need to pack for a few days.”

  “Sure.” She pulls out the case and sets it on my bed and opens it up. “Why don’t you take a few of my dresses? Easy access and it’ll be good for the weather.” She winks.

  “Are you sure? That would be great!”

  Still in my robe, I pull some lingerie from my drawer and pack them in the suitcase. Bea comes back in the room and shows me long dresses.

  “How come you never wear those?” I ask her.

  She shrugs. “I don’t know. But I’m sure they will look great on you.”

  I throw my arms around her shoulders. “Thank you so much.”

  She giggles. “Alright, finish packing and I’ll lug this thing downstairs.”

  I pull some long shirts out that I use for night gowns and put them inside, along with some essentials I’ll definitely need. Once I finish, she leaves me to dress, while she lugs the suitcase downstairs. I apply my own light copper eye shadow, eyeliner, and thicken my lashes with mascara, and some light peach gloss to my lips.

  Moving toward the bed, I take my robe off and unzip the dress to slip it up my body with my sexy lingerie underneath. I then slide my feet into my new yellow pumps. I feel sexy yet elegant and classy.

  “Riley, Nathan’s here!” Bea yells up the stairs.

  “I’ll be right down!”

  Taking in a deep breath, I let it out slowly and walk downstairs. When Nathan comes into view, my heart stops and my breath catches. He looks gorgeous is a gray suit. It definitely suits him pun intended. He has on a white button up shirt underneath the jacket and nice shiny black shoes. When I reach him, I smile and wrap my arms around him to hug him.

  “You look so beautiful,” he whispers.

  I pull back and place my hands on his face and smile. “You look very handsome.”

  He reaches for my hand locking his fingers with mine, and we make our way out to his car. I look over my shoulder and see Bea beaming at us, and she winks at me. I wave at her before turning my full attention to Nathan. When we reach his car, he squeezes my hand, sets the suitcase down, and opens the door for me. Opening the trunk, he puts the
suitcase inside, and then slides into the driver’s seat.

  “Are you ready?”

  “I’m more than ready.”

  He grins. “Good.”

  He reaches for my hand and kisses the back of it. Nathan pulls out of the parking space and we begin our journey.

  “So tell me how this will work.”

  “Well, when we get there we have to park away from the village and we will be picked up by a horse and carriage because cars are not allowed. They will handle our baggage and put it in our bungalow. The carriage will take us to what’s called The Manor, where we’ll meet the deacon and he will have us say a few vows about our loyalty to one another. After that, we’ll be escorted to our bungalow where our bonding will begin. The people of the village will bless our union by bringing food and stuff. Some people will shake your hand and bow, and it’s customary that you nod when they do that, out of respect.”

  “This all sounds amazing,” I say.

  Nathan continues. “Our first day, there we will remain in the bungalow while the folks bless us and we begin the ritual. The second day, we can venture out and sightsee if you want, walk around the village and see everyone that has blessed us. Then that evening, the ritual continues. On the third day, we meet with the deacon once before leaving so he can see that the ritual happened and verify that it did occur.”

  “How does the deacon verify that?”

  “They just know. They have a powerful sense of knowing. It’s amazing. But we will get a final blessing and be on our way back.”

  “Wow, it all sounds so amazing,” I repeat.

  “It is, and I can’t wait to experience it all with you. And this dress, my god, Riley, you look amazing. You should always wear short dresses.”

  “Well, I can the same about you. Gray definitely suits you.”

  I can’t stop smiling about everything that will happen over the next few days. I know what he told me is only the tip of the iceberg and there is so much I don’t know, but I’ll experience it as it comes.

  The two hours out of town pass fairly quickly as we ride on back roads the rest of the way. Another hour passes and Nathan pulls into a parking lot with other cars. He pops the trunk and comes over to my side and offers his hand to help me out.